
A lot of people think that chronic pain is something you just have to "get used to." Especially if the pain has been going on for a decade or more, you start to assume it's just a part of life.

But acupuncture can be incredibly helpful in reducing daily knee pain as well as flare-ups.

If you have knee pain that:

✔️ Changes with the weather, such as worse with cold and/or rain

✔️ Gets worse with overuse, like long walks or standing for long periods at work

✔️ Prevents you from climbing stairs comfortably or kneeling in your garden

✔️ Is from an old injury that never really went away...

Then I definitely recommend trying acupuncture!

It's gentle and non-invasive, helps with stress and overall well-being, AND you get to take a nap.

Typically for chronic knee pain I recommend coming in once a week for 6-8 weeks, and then we reassess. Most people have improved enough by that point that we can space the treatments out a bit... to see if you can go 2-3 weeks, or a month- and still feel great.

With chronic pain, maintenance treatments are also incredibly helpful to prevent flare ups. After an initial round of treatments, once a month is a great treatment plan to keep you feeling good.

If you’d like to see what acupuncture can do for your knee pain...

Click Here to Schedule Online

Or... If you prefer to try an herbal formula for your pain, then one of my go-to’s and all-time-favorites is Boswellia Complex by Mediherb. It’s a blood mover and helps to increase circulation, which I think we all know is a good thing. In painful areas, it increases blood flow to the area, along with qi, oxygen, and nutrients. And it carries away the stuff you don’t want there- inflammatory metabolites, excess fluid, etc. 

The Mediherb brand Boswellia formula has a 7:1 concentrate of Boswellia, so it’s unlike any other Boswellia I’ve seen on the market. And it also has a 25:1 concentration of Turmeric to help combat inflammation. Powerful stuff! It helps lots of people get off of pain meds, and is so effective that I was able to quickly get off of narcotics after my surgeries by taking a pretty hefty dose of it. 

For most people with daily pain, I recommend starting with 2 tabs three times a day so you can really see what the product does for you. After you start to feel better (which is a few days, up to a week or two), you can omit the midday dose and continue to take 2 tabs twice daily. Then once you get to a place you’d like to maintain, I recommend taking 2 tabs once a day as a great prophylactic dose to keep things good. 


If you’d like to give it a try, you can do so here:

Boswellia for Knee Pain

Or Ear Seeds! Which are great for any kind of pain- including knee pain- and are one of the most cost effective and easy ways to treat yourself at home. I love the company Ear Seeds because they sell kits specific for a particular condition, along with instructions and pictures on where exactly to place the seeds. 


Go here to learn more and check them out!

Earseeds for Knee/Hip Pain

If you have questions about your chronic knee pain, feel free to hit reply to this email.

Have a great morning!

Talk soon, 
